., your dosha is
Vata dosha evokes the qualities of the elements air and ether.
Dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile & clear.
Vata’s main role is to get things moving, hence it plays a key role in your metabolism and cell division. Vata is also what sparks your spontaneity, and impulsivity.

If you are dominant in Vata, your energy comes in bursts but can deplete just as quickly.
The Vata-type mind is speedy and irregular. You are creative, intellectual and enthusiastic.
You learn quickly and forget easily.
Vata types can be innately insecure due to the cold and dry quality of ether and air. They may not realise it, but they yearn for connection and love.

It is important that the Vata mind is well nourished with love, good friends and a comfortable environment that allows them to feel connected to others. Most importantly, Vata type minds must learn to love and accept themselves.
Eat at irregular times
Get too stressed
Consume caffeine
Talk too much
You have a slender frame and are likely to be underweight. You have narrow hips and shoulders and delicate musculature.
Vata’s lightness means that it is easily thrown off balance.
Your skin and hair can have a tendency to become dry and brittle.

Your hands and feet are often cold and chilly. Vata’s airy nature means that skin and hair can have a tendency to become dry and brittle

Your nervous system should be treated generously.
Secondary Dosha
Kapha governed by earth and water is patient and reliable, with a kind and generous nature.
It’s good-natured, stable, calm and tolerant.

Structure and stability characterize the body and mind of Kapha.

Its body is compact and sturdy with potential for muscle and fat build-up.

Stay active to break out of your naturally lethargic tendencies.
the well
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