Food Tips for Vata

Ayurveda maintains that true health is a harmonious body, mind and spirit, and a balanced Dosha. When your Dosha is imbalanced, you’ll notice it and unless pacified, it can become aggravated and cause disease. The good news is that one of the best ways to keep in balance, or pacify any aggravation is to simply follow the dietary recommendations for your Dosha type. If you haven’t found out your individual Dosha yet, discover it by taking our quiz at the bottom of this page.

Rooted in mindfulness and tuning in to your own body, a big part of the Ayurvedic food philosophy is based on letting yourself be guided by your own taste buds: they hold much of the knowledge about which foods are good for you. According to Ayurveda, foods can be classified into six main tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent.

Ayurvedic dietary recommendations are focused on three main principles: mindful eating, specific foods that soothe your Dosha and adapting regular mealtimes. In previous articles, we explored the best diets for Pitta and Kapha, here we focus on .

Vata is the Dosha ruled by air and ether. It is dry and cold but also quick and impulsive, and its energy comes in bursts but also depletes quickly. One of the main rules for a Vata diet is to choose warm, fatty and nourishing foods that will balance and soothe its dry properties. Vata is known to have a sweet tooth, so eating sweet food in moderation is recommended. Salty and sour warm foods, such as soups, stews, warm cereals and teas, should be favoured over cold ones.

Best Vata Foods:

  • From the fruit bowl – bananas, melons, apples, pears, oranges, sweet limes and cherries (make sure they’re extra ripe).
  • From the vegetable box – asparagus, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, beetroot, cucumber, garlic, onions and root ginger – which is great added to drinks and all sorts of recipes.
  • From the meat chiller – chicken, seafood and turkey.
  • From the spice rack – cardamom, cumin, ginger, cinnamon, salt, cloves, mustard seeds and black pepper.
  • From the pantry – rice, wheat and oats; oils (olive, mustard, sunflower, safflower, groundnut and coconut); almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. Oils help counteract your dry nature so cook with olive oil or ghee.
  • From the fridge – cheese, milk, cream and butter help to restore your balance, but since you don’t have strong digestive power, have them in moderation. Milk is best warmed.

Stay clear of

Avoid eating raw veg, sprouts, cabbage, peppers, aubergine and cold salads. Under-ripe fruit and red meat should also be avoided as should iced drinks.

Vata eating habits

A routine helps Vata stay centred so eat meals at regular times and always eat in a calm space, away from the hustle and bustle. Lunch should be the biggest meal of your day, as your agni (digestive fire) is at its strongest around noon. Avoid fasting as it will aggravate your Dosha.

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