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Why I Drink Hot Water Every Single Day?

Feeling hot, so drink something cold? Well, maybe it’s not such a good idea after all. Ayurveda offers us a different, deeper view and shows us how the temperature of the water we drink can have an impact on our health.

It all relates to our internal body temperature and one of nature’s most fundamental principles: homeostasis, or balance. Like all of nature, the body is designed to be in a constant state of equilibrium and whenever it becomes unbalanced, it immediately adapts and restores itself to balance. (To find out what balance means for you, discover your Dosha type by taking our test at the bottom of the page.)

Ayurvedic scientists understood this inner balance thousands of years ago. They saw that when we drink cold water, the liquid causes a rise in our internal body temperature which in turn creates more heat in the body. It’s simple physiology: the body’s instant reaction to an iced drink on a hot day is to increase its heat to balance out the flash of cold.

Ayurveda recommends sipping warm water, starting first thing in the morning and continuing throughout the day. This supports the body in its bid to maintain a balanced internal environment and temperature. And this internal equilibrium brings a host of positive effects, such as improved digestion and metabolism, strengthened immunity and increased energy levels.

So the next time a waiter asks you if want ice in your water, you know what to say.

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